Find your pharmacy’s success. Maximize productivity, deliver better patient care, boost revenue, and reach your pharmacy’s potential with PharmacyOne.

Features that Build Pharmacy Success

Patient Safety
Find your pharmacy’s success. The Liberty Platform provides the tools you need to deliver the healthcare your patients expect. Permissions and patient safety checkpoints help prevent mistakes. Extensive clinical data, built in at your fingertips, helps you make better clinical decisions for your patients.

In a challenging industry, delivering quality healthcare is not enough to stay in business. Maximize your pharmacy’s business and revenue with a pharmacy platform designed for today’s demanding world of declining insurance reimbursements and compliance challenges. Built-in Profit Protection and Audit Warnings notify you in real time if something is amiss with your insurance claims. Powerful reports, data views, and dashboards help you keep an eye on your business.

Patient Care
Liberty offers a better technology platform with a multitude of patient-facing features for better communication and patient-care experiences. Automated patient alerts, point-of-sale pickup warnings, will-call management, better workflow organization, a delivery app, and remote pharmacist video conference capabilities are just a few ways Liberty can help your pharmacy deliver the customer service your patients expect.

One Platform
No add-on services necessary here. Liberty works hard to deliver all the features and tools you need on a single pane of glass – the Liberty Platform. We’ve heard the frustration of stores trying to work with half a dozen vendors to deliver the pharmacy services expected of a modern pharmacy. MedSync, outbound and two-way patient messaging, delivery tools, and patient-facing apps are all included as part of the Liberty Platform.
Popular Features

Patient Messaging
Record a message and automatically send it to your patient’s phone. Send automatic prescription reminders via email, phone messages, and text messages. Because no conversation should be one-sided, a built-in message center that allows two-way text messaging between your store and your patients.

Liberty’s MedSync feature allows you to bring your MedSync program to the next level by automating steps and even identifying patients who would benefit the most by participating in your MedSync program.

With Liberty, immunization insurance billing is simplified, proper immunization workflow separates entry and administration, and immunization reporting to local registries is automated.

Clinical SmartCheck
More meaningful clinical alerts with easy clinical documentation. Going beyond the basic drug-to-drug, dose check, and allergy checks, Liberty also includes morphine equivalent dosing, pregnancy, age, and lactation alerts to help pharmacists easily screen medication for safety and make better informed medication-related decisions.

Clinical Information
Clinical information is built into the workflow where you need it most. Facts and Comparison is built in and quickly available when entering or verifying prescriptions. Built-in to the Liberty platform, this drug referential resource geared toward retail pharmacists with its evidence-based content is available at no additional cost.

eCare Plans
eCare Plan integration helps translate patient information, such as current medication regimens and health concerns, to other healthcare providers.

Safety Checks
Look alike, sound alike alerts and check points, black box warnings, morphine equivalent dosing alerts, 5-point checks and other innovative check points allow you to bring a level of patient safety rarely seen in community pharmacies.

Profit Protection
Billing insurance can be complicated, and mistakes are easy to make. Liberty has built-in Profit Protection and Audit warnings to help you achieve optimal reimbursement potential and reduce claim submission errors.

Take Charge of Refills
Liberty has several tools to be proactive with your patients’ refills including Auto Refills and Refill Management. Plus, patients’ adherence numbers are displayed graphically for quick reference.

Liberty’s compounding tool set helps you easily build and bill compounds without purchasing separate programs or modules. Lot number management, compounding workflow, and scale integration are all part of the platform.

Advanced Bin Management
Quickly find the location of any prescription at any location in your pharmacy with Liberty’s built-in bin management.

AWP Reclaim
Built right into the pharmacy software, Liberty allows you to review and rebill claims that third parties paid using outdated AWP. Select a few claims or rebill all with the press of a button.

Manufacturer Coupon Management
Impress your patients by setting up manufacturer coupons ahead of time. Attach coupons to drugs and automatically process them during prescription processing.

Inventory Control Made Easy
Liberty’s inventory control puts you back in control with an easy-to-use “Want Book”, support for multiple vendors, automatic order creation, integrated ordering with wholesalers.

Simple Accounts Receivable
Pharmacy software with accounts receivable built-in and easy to use. Processing is quick and statements can be extensively customized for your pharmacy.

Insurance Audit Report
Save hours by using Liberty’s audit report that helps you quickly prepare for insurance audits. Find prescriptions and print out everything you need for many audits with one report.

Customizable Prescription Labels
Liberty gives you complete customization over your pharmacy’s labels with What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get label designer.

Pharmacy Task Management
Schedule one-time or recurring tasks for yourself or staff. Keep your pharmacy organized and provide better follow-up for your patients.

Monitor DIR Fees
View the impact of DIR fees on your pharmacy with Liberty’s DIR fee management feature. View the estimated DIR fees on paid claims and in profit reports.

Document Management
Get rid of the clutter with Liberty’s built-in document management. Scan, browse files, and attach documents to patients, doctors, drugs, prescriptions, and other records.

Extensive Reporting
Liberty comes preloaded with helpful and relevant reports. More importantly, our flexible report designer lets you easily create reports for your pharmacy’s needs.

Flexible Data View
Liberty’s Data View lets you drill down on your data. Sort, group, pivot, and filter to quickly find the answers to questions about your business.